Reorganizing your life is a little tougher than your closet...

Reorganizing your life is a little tougher than your closet...

With the beginning of the year 2011 here already, and probably yet another resolution gathering dust in the closet of my mind, I've finally become fed up. Fed up with the settling for mediocrity, fed up with the dissatisfaction of every day life, and just plain fed up with wanting more! So here it is, my declaration of my life's reorganization. I always find myself mindlessly cleaning around this time of year, and I guess this time is as good as any to start life over. Except this time, I'm gonna toss out the files and folders, and live for me - mind, body, and soul.


Life is just a mockumentERI...

I've started to devise a little plan - to organize my thoughts and endeavors a little better I guess.  Each week, I'll do one think to improve each of my areas of interest - Mind, body, and soul.  That way, I have enough time to invest in a change, before adding on another layer the next week. 

So we all know that this week I started to watch what I was eating.  With the help of, I think I've really gotten an understanding of where I can cut back, or let go.  It's still tough though; It's like when I don't care about food, I'm not particularly hungry, but as soon as I tell myself no, that's all I can think of!!!  That's okay.  Perseverance will prevail in this instance!  Keep the end in sight. When I'm standing on a tropical beach paradise in six months, it's going to be in a skimpy bikini, with a damn good level of confidence and pride.  Where will you be in six months?  How will you feel?  I sincerely hope that you can find your own kind of paradise...

Now, enough about me talking about food! I swear it only makes me hungry.  In this blog, I want to tell you about my latest foray into the improvement of my mind.  I was playing around with my kindle app on my iphone (which I love unbelievably) and found some free classic books to download.  So I thought to myself, why not read all these books that you hear about so often with movies made from them?  At the top of my list is Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice."  Here's where I'll start, and if you'd like to join, you can download the book for free to your kindle, kindle app on the computer, or kindle app on your phone here.  I'm about seven chapters in, and I've got to be straight with you - it's pretty tough to read.  Maybe it's just because I'm comparing it to the smut that I usually read (not that that's a bad thing), but I actually have to concentrate on what I'm reading!!! And although the film version of Pride & Prejudicewith Keira Knightley was delicious, even that, what with the language and all, seems a bit watered down compared to the real thing.  If you're following along with me, and try picking up the book, please, share your opinion of it with me in the comments below.

Even though I am enjoying reading this book to improve my mind, I got to thinking.  If the version that we get now is so simplified, what's to say that everything else isn't simplified too, and we just don't know it?  Have we unknowingly taken the easy way out in most aspects of our lives and settled for Facebook updates and e-mails instead of gatherings and calls just to say, "Hello"? Are we taking the simplified version of thanx in a text, and forgetting about our mother's careful instructions to always hand write thank-you cards?  I can't help but think the easier life gets, the easier it becomes to forget our personal lives, their impact on the world around us, and the depth of history that we are invariably woven into.  The life that we are living, so fast and fleeting, can really only be viewed as a mockery of true life.  I don't know about you, but I am ready to dig deeper under this surface of dissatisfaction.


  1. I've already read Pride and Prejudice. It was good. I thought it moved pretty quickly because there are so many characters and interwoven plots. While I enjoyed Elizabeth's character as portrayed by Keira Knightley, I found Jane Austen's original much more endearing. Good luck with the book!

  2. Lysi - So far into my reading, I pretty much agree with you. Liz seems even more tenacious and headstrong in the text!


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