Reorganizing your life is a little tougher than your closet...

Reorganizing your life is a little tougher than your closet...

With the beginning of the year 2011 here already, and probably yet another resolution gathering dust in the closet of my mind, I've finally become fed up. Fed up with the settling for mediocrity, fed up with the dissatisfaction of every day life, and just plain fed up with wanting more! So here it is, my declaration of my life's reorganization. I always find myself mindlessly cleaning around this time of year, and I guess this time is as good as any to start life over. Except this time, I'm gonna toss out the files and folders, and live for me - mind, body, and soul.


A night time sanctuERI...

Well, I know it's been a few days since I posted, but I've been really thinking about things lately.  I'm pretty anxious about this new semester starting because I know it's going to be one of the most challenging semesters to date -and for a professional student, that's saying something!  So I got to thinking, how am I going to keep the changes that I've instated thus far, and have the time to commit to continue?  But when something matters to you dearly, you make every effort to accommodate it.  So that's just it.  I have to continue.  No game of Angry Birds to relax for bed - instead I'll pick up a book and grow! I know what you're saying, "NO ANGRY BIRDS? This girl means business!!!" Speaking of the book, I still have not finished Pride and Prejudice (find the link to download for free to your kindle app in previous post), even though I have been reading diligently each day.  I can't wait to share my opinion of it with you when I'm done.  Did you finish it yet?  It's a tough read at some points, but some of the things that Elizabeth says are mind boggling, I tell you.  We'll talk more when I get there.

Let me tell you, is amazing.  I really feel gratified when I take the time to plan what I eat, then log it all in, and know that I met my calorie and fitness goals for the day!  And what I really love is that with this commitment to get healthier in the last two weeks, I've already lost 4 pounds, as you can see by the ticker at the bottom of my posts.  Talk about a  jump start.  Woohoo!

Remember my idea to connect with someone in my life at least once a week?  I had a little get together with some great friends and it was awesome.  Great way to let off some steam - and the hot apple cider and Captain Morgan's didn't hurt one bit!!!

Adding the element of fitness to my body improvement list was a little hard in the motivation area, but knowing that I need to stay accountable to you helped a ton.  I got my grandpa to the gym three times this week!  We tackled the elliptical - although I had my reservations about getting a 70 year old on it for the first time.  His favorite is the recumbent bike though.  He says it makes his back hurt less.  Who did you take the time to include with some healthy activity?  Walking in the mall?  Go for a swim?  It's not a tangible object, so it's hard to realize it, but just these little steps with those we love are helping them live healthier, more fulfilling lives.  That's heavy stuff.

Now here's what up.  Over the last three weeks or so, I have developed the absolute worst sleeping habits.  I'm talking stay up till 5, sleep till noon type of habits.  That's not too good when you already have trouble sleeping as it is, and your boyfriend snores loud enough to hear two rooms over!  I've been trying to get back on track, especially since I have to be up early for school starting Tuesday.  Uh oh!  So here's what I'm going to do for my soul every night.  I've planned out a night time ritual so I can get in a relaxed mood and hopefully fall asleep faster and sleep better.  Leave a message for me below if you have trouble sleeping and have come up with any good solutions.  I need all the help I can get - suggestions for curing snoring is at the top of that list.  Here's what I have planned out so far.  About a half hour before bed time, I'll turn on my bedside lamp with a lavender oil diffuser in it.  So by the time I'm ready for bed, the room will smell nice and comforting.  And then, I'm going to run a hot bath.  After the tub is full, I'll put a few drops of lavender and lemon essential oils and swirl them around.  Then I'll just lay in the tub for about fifteen minutes and really focus my breathing on relaxing and calming myself down.  This is probably going to be the hardest part for me.  Whenever I hop into bed, I find myself thinking about what I have to do the next day, what needs cleaned, etc., etc.  How about you? Then I will hop out of the tub, wash my face, brush my teeth and hair, then head to bed.  I even found a chamomile pillow spray to use right before I lay down.  I'll try this nightly ritual everyday this week, and see if I can't get myself back on track, and better rested.  What's your nightly ritual?  Hope we sleep tight tonight!!!

1 comment:

  1. I like to use Mom's method. Lay down, close your eyes, and eventually you'll fall asleep. Haha! It's all about the will power to actually lay down at a decent hour. I'm going to try bed at 11pm and up at 6am. I found it helps if you remove all activities, like reading, from the bed, it helps your mind grasp the association between laying down and sleeping. I'm about to reinstate this in my life because frankly, my sleeping schedule sucks. Good luck with getting back into a school schedule!


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