Reorganizing your life is a little tougher than your closet...

Reorganizing your life is a little tougher than your closet...

With the beginning of the year 2011 here already, and probably yet another resolution gathering dust in the closet of my mind, I've finally become fed up. Fed up with the settling for mediocrity, fed up with the dissatisfaction of every day life, and just plain fed up with wanting more! So here it is, my declaration of my life's reorganization. I always find myself mindlessly cleaning around this time of year, and I guess this time is as good as any to start life over. Except this time, I'm gonna toss out the files and folders, and live for me - mind, body, and soul.


Not so ordinERI...

Hey, everyone!  Week one of school is now checked off the list.  I can never do it over.  It's written in history.  Huh.  It sure puts it in perspective when I think of it that way.  When I look back at the semester, the year, my twenties - will it all just be ordinary?  Now don't get me wrong, ordinary isn't necessarily bad.  But what if looking back, you just know that it could have been extraordinary, instead?!? 

A few years back, I tried to do as many things as I could.  Experience everything, volunteer for anything.  All that it led to was a worn out college student spread way too thin.  I couldn't give 100% to anything that way.  Isn't it funny how you hear something at one point, and it doesn't really mean anything to you, but a few years down the road, it makes perfect sense?  A very great man I once knew taught me that you have to balance your life  - personally, socially, and intellectually... In other words, mind, body, and soul.  Too bad I didn't get it until now. 

Here are some updates on where I'm at with my life improvement movement.  I'm still reading - the book is taking a little longer than I thought, especially with school starting.  You'll probably finish before me if you're reading along!  The healthy food is going great thanks to my food and exercise log.  I've also gotten together with a couple of friends throughout the week, and re-kindled a few old friendships.  It's so gratifying, even though they are probably weirded out by my contact out of the blue.  Working out with my grandpa is going great, too.  Except for the little mishap on the chin-up assist machine that I tried to warn him from, he's really taken to some of the machines.  Besides, I like just getting to spend time and talk with someone that I love.  When we get so busy, it becomes too easy to forget about those that really matter to us.  Have you gone out of your way this week to show someone that you love them this week?  The only goal I have been having trouble with is the relaxation ritual before bed.  It's tough to calm down after such busy days with classes and teaching.  I need to keep working on creating positive habits in that regard. 

Now, back to my ordinary first week of the semester.  What if I took those steps to make my week something new?  What if I find joy in something that I previously found a pain on campus?  But you know what?  That very same man I just told you about caught me saying something very close to this a few years back.   I asked him, "What if I would have reacted this way?" or "What if I fail?" He looked at me plain as day and said, "What if you never said 'What if?' ever again?  Don't 'What if'' yourself!!!"  Just another one of those lessons that comes back around when you need it most.  So I guess the point that I'm trying to make is to get out there and stop what if-ing through life!  Make every minute, day, week, semester, year, whatever as extraordinary as possible by believing that it will be.

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